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Online Casino Tournaments For US Players

Rachel Elam | May 20, 2020 | Updated on: October 16th, 2020

casino-tournamentsCasino tournaments are one of the quick and fun ways of making big wins without putting your bankroll at risk. Slots tournaments are a popular variety, but numerous casinos offer tournaments on a wide variety of games. For example, Texas hold’em, blackjack, roulette, and other casino table games, and also video poker tournaments. Read on for More on casino tournament rules and also how they work.

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How do casino tournaments work?

It is very easy. What you do is to enter the tournament and you will then be given several casino chips, to begin with. You then have an endless amount of time to try and build the biggest chip stack by gambling on the tournament game. Some of the tournaments require an entry charge fee, however, there are also a lot of free casino gambling tournaments, which are known as “freerolls”.

Microgaming slot games tournaments feature a rare time-limited format that one might not be familiar with. Casino players who would want to know more about Microgaming slots can click here.


Online casino tournaments for Real Money

Rows that are colored in green indicate that the web casino tournament has already begun. At some of the casinos, you can join even so. Microgaming and The Cryptologic casinos have a limit on the amount of time that one can play during the tournament, so we advise you to use it wisely.

All Microgaming internet casinos with tournaments like Blackjack Ballroom, Crazy Vegas or even All Slots run on a scheduled tournament for smaller prizes all day. Also, they run sit-and-go slots tournaments which take place as soon as the minimum number of gamers have registered.

Net Entertainment casinos online use an “equalized payout system” to regulate the winners, ignoring wager size. Here, players don’t even have to enter. Simply bet on the nominated games with real cash during the tournament hours, and USA players are automatically ranked based on the amount won per unit staked over their best 20 successive wagers.

Finding The Right Tournament

There are many tournaments on different games and they all have different terms. It is very vital for you to read through the rules before jumping into one and make sure that you understand. Pay attention to what is required to enter, how winners are selected, and also how are prizes given.

Tournament Entries

Casino tournaments have different entry mechanisms. One doesn’t require any action for your side, while others have strict entry rules. They have all pros and cons that you will need to take note of.

Free Entry Tourney

Some tourneys are free or automatic. Most casinos feature slot tournaments where players get entered and counted automatically. This is as long as they meet the minimum betting requirements. Here players get to earn points as they play, however, they bet on the slots and generation real money winnings.

Pros and cons of this type of tournament

  • Taking part is easy and very straightforward.
  • Automatic entry will mean a bigger field and fewer chances of getting a win.
  • Prize pools are mostly small compared to paid entry tourneys.
  • High rollers always have an advantage over others.

Paid Entry Tornamnets

Paid Entry Tornamnets offer bigger prizes and better odds of getting a  chance to win than of free entry. Tourneys with buy-ins fee gather all or most of the entry fees into a prize pool then it will be distributed to the winner. Some casino sites add prizes on top of the already generated prize pool from entry buy-ins.

Play Free Slot Tournaments

Slot Tournaments are a fun way to win real money prizes and is perfect for those that have a modest nature. Competing against other slot players in a challenge to the finish line is as exciting as winning the prize money itself. There is a sure sense of victory and self-accomplishment when a player is placed in the top winner’s list.

Slots are amongst the popular choice for web-players and Tournaments provide a betting field with a mindset that says ‘I am in it to win it’. Slot Tournaments have now become a favorite in the gaming community for a couple of reasons that have drawn massive interest. For one it does not require complex skills providing an open invitation to all levels of gamblers and is comprised of luck as the reels come to a stop in expectation of a winning combination.