Craps Terms – Full Glossary of Craps Slang & Definitions
Bonnie Evans | June 17, 2020 | Updated on: May 14th, 2021
Terminology is a vital aspect of playing casino games, and Craps terms are no different. With such an old game, it’s no wonder that we’ve found nearly 100 common words used in games. Of course, there are many more we could go into, but these are the unique definitions.
So, check them out before you start enjoying one of the oldest dice games in the world. Or check out our favorite craps online casinos.
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Craps Terms: A-C
Betting on a 2 in the next roll of the dice.
Also called the casino house edge, whereby it takes a portion of the payout.
Any Craps
Betting on a roll that will be a two, three, or 12.
Any Seven
Placing a bet on a seven outcome.
In craps, this is a nickname for a craps player who gets lucky while shooting the dice.
Back Line
Also called the Don’t Pass Line.
Behind the Line
When a player bets on “free odds” after the point number is set.
Betting Right
In craps terms, this means wagering with the short on the Come and Pass line bets.
Betting Wrong
When you bet against the shooter on the Don’t Pass and Don’t Come lines.
Big Eight
Betting even money that an eight will roll before a seven.
Big Six
Contrastly, this is an even-money wager that predicts a six before seven.
Big Red
When you bet on seven, it’s sometimes called a Big Red.
Box Numbers
On the table, this craps term refers to the boxes for four, five, six, eight, and ten.
Refers to rolling a 12.
Also known as the floor supervisor who watches gameplay for cheating and guards the chips.
Betting on each hardway and seven.
Buy Bet
When you pay the casino a 5% commission to play with corrected odds.
Bring Out
Betting on the Hardway to “bring out” the point number.
Capped Dice
Any “loaded” or “crooked” dice used to cheat.
Center Bets
In the center of the table, you’ll place proposition bets between Hardway and all singe rolls.
Cold Dice
When the rolls “don’t pass” the point number, the dice are considered cold.
Cold Table
In craps terms, this refers to a table where shooters are losing.
Come Bet
Also called the Pass bet, but it’s only used in some variants.
Come Box
This is the section of the table where you put down your chips for the wager.
Come Out Roll
To start the game, a player (the shooter) will roll the dice and set the “point” or goal outcome for the table.
Coming Out
When the shooter is getting ready to throw.
Shooting a two, three, or twelve on the come-out roll.
Craps Out
Throwing craps on the come-out roll and automatically winning the Pass line bet.
Any casino employees that are managing the table, the two dealers, stickman, and boxman.
D to I Terms
This is the casino employer, or software, who collects losses and pays out winnings.
Don’t Come Bet
Opposing the come-bet, this goes against the shooter by wagering on a seven before the point.
Don’t Come Box
Where the dealer will place your chips for the Don’t Come wager.
Don’t Pass Bar
Another term for the section where Don’t Come bets are placed.
Don’t Pass Bet
A bet on the first roll against the shooter.
Don’t Pass Line
A section on the table to place chips for the bet.
Double Odds
Free odds to double all wagers on initial rolls.
Easy Way
Any roll of a four, six, eight, or ten where each combination is different.
Another term for the casino’s increased odds over players.
Even Money
A one-to-one payout on certain outcomes.
Field Bet
Any bet on two, three, four, nine, ten, 11, or 12.
Five-times Odds
Free odds increase bets to five times the original.
Free Odds Bet
Pass, Don’t Pass, Come, or Don’t Come wagers placed after the initial roll on “true odds.”
Front Line
Referring to the section for Pass bets.
Craps Terms: H to O
Any roll of double numbers like two and two.
Hardway Bet
Betting on four, six, eight, or ten before the shooter rolls the “easy way” and a seven.
Betting on two or 12.
Hope Bet
In craps terms, a single-roll wager on a specific dice combination.
Hoping Hardway
A similar bet on identical dice rolls.
Horn Bet
A one-roll bet on two, three, 11, and 12.
Horn High Bet
Betting on one roll of two, three, 11, and 12 with a two-arts bet on 12, as well as a part bet on two, three, or 11.
Hot Roll
Dice that a shooter holds for a while before “evening out”. Or, dice that “keep passing”.
Hot Table
Opposite to a Cold Table, when shooters frequently make the point.
Inside Numbers
Bets on five, six, eight, and nine.
Insurance Bet
Taking multiple bets to partially cover each other.
Lay Bet
Betting that a seven will roll before the point with a 5% commission on losses.
Lay Odds
Taking extra odds against the dice placed because of the odds.
In craps terms, this is the imprint on the table for sectioning bets.
Line Bet
Betting on the Pass or Don’t Pass.
Little Joe
Rolling a hard four (2-2).
Loaded Dice
When dice are weighted to roll certain outcomes for cheating.
Marker Puck
A two-sided plastic disc is used to mark the roll number on the table.
In craps terms, this is a one-roll bet on 12.
Rolling a seven or 11 on the come-out roll.
Odds Bet
Betting when the casino doesn’t have an edge.
On the next dice roll, some bets will be “safe.”
One Roll Bets
Wagers placed only on the upcoming roll of the dice.
Out 7
Any seven combination roll after the come-out bet.
Outside Numbers
Using four, five, nine, and ten to make a place bet.
P to Y Craps Terms
Taking winnings from a bet and adding them to another.
Pass Line
Also known as the Front Line, where Pass bets are placed.
Pass Line Bet
Betting with the dice and the shooter.
Place Bet
Placing a bet that four, five, six, eight, nine, or ten will roll before a seven.
Place Numbers
Referring to four, five, six, eight, nine, or ten on the table.
Playing the Field
When you bet on two, three, four, nine, ten, 11, or 12 at the same time.
Point Number
Any number that rolls before seven (i.e. four, five, six, eight, nine, or ten).
Press a Bet
To double or parlay a wager.
Proposition Bets
Any special bets, like the Hardway at the center of the table.
Right Bettor
Any player that bets on the shooter and/or dice to get the point.
Sequence Bet
Betting on more than one roll for the outcome.
Seven Out
When a shooter rolls a seven after establishing the point number but doesn’t repeat the point. Then, the dice pass to the next player at the table.
Craps Terms: Shoot
Any series of rolls before the shooter “sevens out.”
A name for the player who rolls the dice.
Snake Eyes
Rolling 1-1 is called this.
The casino employee scoops up the dice and returns them to the shooter after a roll.
Take the Odds
Making a free odds bet as a “right bettor” to give yourself an edge over the house.
Ten-times Odds
Taking free odds at ten times the original wager.
Triple Odds
In craps terms, a free odds bet at triple the original bet.
True Odds
Odds that any number will come upon a roll.
Another craps term for the house edge.
The next roll will put certain bets at risk.
Whirl Bet
Equal bets on two, three, seven, 11, and 12.
Wrong Bettor
Any player who is betting against the shooter during the game.
Saying “yo-eleven” instead of 11 to avoid confusion with seven.
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