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How Casinos Handle Live Dealer Errors

Mistakes at a live casino don’t really take place as much, but when they happen during a game of chance, they cause confusion. At any live casino, there should be a recognized set of guidelines that both live dealers and the players follow when an error occurs. This helps give players the sureness to know that they will be dealt with justly in the event of an unexpected problem. It also permits the live dealer to carry on knowing that they not only responsible for sorting out issues. The live casino gambling experience should be based on fun and a calming environment. If a live dealer is under pressure because they know that any small error will lead to a bigger problem, then the right atmosphere will not be upheld. That’s why live roulette or blackjack games should be overseen always by a higher consultant than the dealer themselves. So, what will happen if you are unlucky to play a live table game and the dealer screws up?

Live Dealer Errors

The Role of the Pit Boss

As mentioned, honest mistakes can happen in any walk of life. When they occur in a live casino, however, even small errors may seem much bigger than they are. If a dealer dropped a ball before a roulette spin or has exposed a card at a blackjack table, then gamblers can be concerned. In casinos, a pit boss monitors all activities going on in around games. Dropped cards, for instance, will then be checked so that if one croupier makes frequent errors they can then be removed. In a bigger establishment, there are so-called floormen who act in a managerial role for all of the live croupiers and the dealers. It is the pit boss –sometimes referred to as the pit manager – overseeing both the dealers and floormen.

This means that slight errors are dealt with quickly and professionally by floormen. If a card is shown early, for instance, then you can expect the floorman to interfere and make matters right. In more thoughtful cases, such as when there are duplicate cards exposed during a game, then the pit boss will be called in. Players should know that part of a pit boss’ responsibility is to ensure that cheating is not going on.

Common Live Dealer Errors

You are allowed to call the pit boss to your game if you think something is amiss. Just ask the floorman or the dealer that is at your table. When it comes to casinos online, you can open the chat function on your screen. Live dealers might do this for you if they have made a mistake that needs to be fixed. In the main, skilled dealers don’t deal out of order or even drop cards. This may happen if the croupier is new to the job or nervous for some reason.

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